Your wikis, docs, netdisks, projects, & All-in-one AI assistant

Write, plan & get organized in one place. Customize Buildin.AI to work the way you do.Free for personal use, or try with your team for free. Supports web & mobile.


Your notes, docs, and mind maps

Build any page and convey any idea. In Buildin.AI you can drag, drop and organize any images, tables, to-dos, and even embed databases, folders, and mind maps. Flexible, powerful, and beautiful document editing capabilities, and also supports publishing beautiful pages created in Buildin.AI to the Internet to share them with more people.

Your Wiki, and network disk

No need to use multiple applications to manage your data due to format and file type restrictions. When all files and information content are concentrated in the same central space, you can easily visualize, filter, sort, and let Buildin.AI artificial intelligence assistant sorts out messy information content and improves query and reading speed.

Your digital office

Say goodbye to cluttered desktops and different versions of the same document. Easily share pages, add comments and "@" your teammates. Instantly sync meeting minutes, goal planning, process documents, record all key decisions, and let relevant parties know who is doing what and when.

Your All-in-one AI Assistant

Use Buildin.AI to unleash the unlimited power of artificial intelligence. You don't need to switch back and forth between note-taking and artificial intelligence tools. Buildin.AI is connected to the industry's leading artificial intelligence service platform and integrates the core functions of the product, from reading, writing, Improve your productivity in data management.


Start now and create your workspace

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